Sam is a 14 year old grade horse we purchased as a step up horse for my 9 year old daughter a few years ago. This horse is safe with no bad habits.My daughter who is now 11 rides him out on 400 acres by herself, you can ride him bareback ride him double he will pretty much do anything you want. My five year old daughter also rides him at the house and has done leadline on him. He runs 3/4d time also ran 21 second poles with previous owner which I do have videos of upon request. He qualified previous owners daughter for high school state finals in poles. Walks flat footed in the alley.I feel like he is the same run everytime. We are only the second owners so he has not been passed around! Although he is grade, who we bought him from raised him and said his sire was Doc bar/ Six chicks bred. His yearly maintenance is hocks. Since we have owned him he has won buckles and also won my daughter her first saddle. Only reason we are selling is we bought my daughter another horse that is the next step up for her. He has 4 good black feet which we only keep shoes on the front he is also ok to go barefoot. Very easy keeper. Vet checks are more then welcome
Asking 12,000 call or text 361-401-1126 with any other questions
First video is him clocking 3d with 300 runners